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Titelbild Julia Braunegg - Psychosoziale Beratung, Coaching und Supervision - Graz/Steiermark

Julia Braunegg

Dive into your life and make the best out of every situation!

Psychosocial Counselling, Coaching and Supervision

Immerse yourself in life!

Life is constantly changing - and so are we. But sometimes we are not quite sure how to deal with the current situation. We don't see a way out or there is "something" missing to take the next step.

As a coach and supervisor, I will accompany you to find answers and get a fresh start.

As a water sports enthusiast, I know that it takes clarity and courage to jump into the deep end - and there's nothing quite like diving in!

Portrait Julia Braunegg - Psychosoziale Beratung, Coaching und Supervision - Graz/Steiermark

My Offer

Change coaching

Where should it go? What can remain? And how do I go about it? Together we will find answers!

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Professional supervision, for individuals and groups, on-site, online, or in a counselling room. Let's talk about it!

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Change coaching

You feel stuck? Somehow, something must change, but what? And how? Where do you actually start? And what can stay the way it is?

Many people ask themselves these questions in different life situations. Be it the job, the relationship, the family: something's not quite right.

I particularly enjoy working with young people. Because not everyone knows what they want at a young age, do they?

Together we not only find answers, we work out a plan. So that there is still another possibility in case the first approach does not suit your reality completely … so that you can adapt your plan to whatever happens in real life.

Let's bring back joy!


As a supervisor I advise groups and individuals when it comes to professional matters:
Tricky situations with clients or customers?
Things are stuck in the team and don't really run well?

Supervision offers the opportunity to work out strategies and alternative courses of action, to further develop oneself personally and in the team, so that flow can be restored.

Let's take a look at this together!

How does coaching work?

It is especially important to me to create a space free of judgement and prejudice in which you can confidently address everything relevant to your situation.

How we work together:

No person is an island, so it is especially important to me to look at issues from all sides. Together we create a space where even the impossible can be addressed, I guide you through our conversation and listen attentively.

We typically start by finding and exploring the problem, curiously looking at what is there. Next, we look at what is helpful, for example, and already present: what people, skills, circumstances in your life can support you?

Finally, you work out several approaches to a solution under my guidance - so that there is still another possibility in case the first approach does not suit your reality completely.

I like to work with visual and playful methods to make situations and approaches to change visible - for example with pen and paper or on the systemic constellation board.

About me – Julia Braunegg

Result-oriented - colourful - lively - creative!

That's how I would describe myself in a few words. I love to stimulate ideas and initiate processes and thus support people in the birth of new, great ideas.

I also know from sports that perseverance and motivation are essential for achieving goals, so it's important to me that, in addition to setting the right goals, we also develop plans for gaps in motivation and difficult times before they arise.

Having lived and worked abroad for several years - and immersed myself in other cultures - it is particularly important to me that people are heard equally, regardless of origin, age, gender, status or other factors, not only one-on-one but especially in groups.

Portrait Julia Braunegg - Psychosoziale Beratung, Coaching und Supervision - Graz/Steiermark


Diploma in Psychosocial Counselling/Life and Social Counselling (AkademieKalkus Graz)

Certified Supervisor (Akademie Kalkus Graz)

Systemic Coach (Akademie Kalkus Graz)

Course in Facilitating Groups and Leading Teams (Via Experientia Lithuania, Belgium, Italy)

Diploma Communication Trainer (WIFI Graz)

Master of Laws (KF University Graz)


Working languages German, English, Italian, Spanish, French

Basic knowledge of Greek, Croatian, Dari (Persian)

And otherwise...

Underwater rugby player, fin swimmer, octopus lover


President of alp-Activating Leadership Potential

Trainer, facilitator at

How I work

Online and offline

We meet online or in person, in a consulting room or in nature - often the best ideas come while walking!


I am happy to accompany my clients in German, English, Spanish, Italian or French.

What others say about me

Testimonials are short quotes from people who love yourbrand. It's a great way to convince customers to try yourservices.

Thomas S.

Testimonials are short quotes from people who love yourbrand. It's a great way to convince customers to try yourservices.

Ben X.

Testimonials are short quotes from people who love yourbrand. It's a great way to convince customers to try yourservices.

Coenraad d.B.

Portrait Julia Braunegg - Psychosoziale Beratung, Coaching und Supervision - Graz/Steiermark


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+43 680 1452873

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